Sunday 31 July 2011

Dispatches: The truth about your Dentist

Hey everyone,
Having heard about this program during my Exam Period in May/June I decided to watch it on 4od. I can say without a doubt that it is well worth watching for everyone! Please follow this link if you would like to watch this program: .

This program explores modern-day dentistry within the UK. It outlines the main problems with the current NHS Dental system and explores the reasoning behind how these problems have arisen.

The main issues which are presented in this program are summarised below:
  • Why the NHS Dental services changed in 2006 - Due to a phenomenon called 'cheating' in which NHS Dentists would record more complex procedures for each patient whereas the actual treatment required was simpler and therefore cheaper. This would mean that the gross pay for the Dentist would increase. 
  • Problems with the current NHS Dental system - Some dentists who are currently working within both NHS and Private Dentistry have exposed a new loophole within the NHS Dental service called 'gaming'. This happens when a Dentist takes on an NHS patient and offers them Private treatment which costs much more - However, many patients are not aware that many of these treatments are actually available on the NHS and so agree to paying the higher amounts. One such treatment is Root Canal and Crown which is explored in more detail within the program. 
  • Dental goods from unregistered technicians - This is another loophole within the current NHS system, whereby dentists are buying items such as dentures, crowns etc. from unregistered dental laboratories/technicians. The problem with this is that although it may be cheaper for the dentist, the materials used are usually of a poor quality and are sometimes imported from abroad. Consequently, any dental goods made from such materials are subject to a higher level of damage and this in turn means that the patient has to pay to redo their treatment. 
  • NHS dental treatment prices from Spring 2011 - Dental treatment under the NHS is split into 3 bands as outlined below: (Found on : )
    There are three NHS charge bands.
    Band 1: £17 includes an examination, diagnosis and advice. If necessary, it also includes X-rays, a scale and polish and planning for further treatment. Band 2: £47 includes all treatment covered by Band 1, plus additional treatment, such as fillings, root canal treatment and removing teeth (extractions). Band 3: £204 includes all treatment covered by Bands 1 and 2, plus more complex procedures, such as crowns, dentures and bridges.
I hope you find this as interesting as I did!

Zahra :) 

Monday 25 July 2011


Hi everyone,

My name is Zahra and I am an enthusiastic dentist-to-be! I hope to apply for university to study Dentistry in September and this is partially why I have set this blog up!

The main reason though, is because in my opinion Oral health is an extremely interesting field and I hope that through blogging my research findings, I will be able to extend my knowledge further and provide you with some fascinating information!

Through this blog, I also hope to record my journey through the world of Dentistry, from applying to Dental School to hopefully becoming a full-time Dentist.

I do hope that as many of you can join me on my will be great to have you on board!

Zahra :)

P.S: Here's a clip from Mr Bean which I'm sure many of you can relate to ;)